Permanent Collection

Results:  39

Paalen, Wolfgang, 1905 - 1959
Page, Ann, b. 1940
Paik, Nam June, 1932 - 2006
Paladini, Vinicio, 1902 - 1971
Paolozzi, Eduardo, 1924 - 2005
Papageorge, Tod, b. 1940
Paradis, Branko, b. 1942
Parr, Martin, b. 1952
Pascin, Jules, 1885 - 1930
Passarotti, Bartolomeo, 1529 - 1592
Passlof, Pat, 1928 - 2011
Paudiss, Christoph, ca. 1625 - 1666
Paulin, Frank, b. 1926
Pearson, Dennis, b. 1939
Pene du Bois, Raoul, 1914 - 1985
Penrose, Roland, 1900 - 1984
Pepper, Beverly, b.1924
Pergl, Will, b. 1969
Pfaff, Judy, b. 1946
Pfahl, John, b. 1939
Phill, Daniel, b. 1956
Picasso, Pablo, 1881 - 1973
Pierce, Danny, b. 1920
Pins, Jacob, 1917 - 2005
Piranesi, Francesco, ca. 1756 - 1810
Plunnecke, Wilhelm, 1894 - 1954
Pogue, Stephanie E., 1944 - 2002
Polke, Sigmar, 1941 - 2010
Pollard, George, 1920 - 2008
Pond, Clayton, b. 1941
Porzellan, Dresden, 1872 to the present
Pourbus I, Possibly Frans, ca. 1545-1581
Pozzatti, Rudy, b. 1925
Pratchenko, Paul, b. 1944
Priebe, Karl, 1914 - 1976